I-D Action: draft-wilde-updating-rfcs-00.txt
Brian E Carpenter
2016-09-15 00:58:37 UTC
Note to Readers
This draft should be discussed on the wgchairs mailing list [1].
Um, no. That's a closed list.

Andrew G. Malis
2016-09-15 12:58:36 UTC
I noticed that as well in the announcement. The proper place to discuss
this draft is most probably rfc-***@rfc-editor.org .


On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Brian E Carpenter <
Post by Brian E Carpenter
Note to Readers
This draft should be discussed on the wgchairs mailing list [1].
Um, no. That's a closed list.
Erik Wilde
2016-09-15 13:15:39 UTC
hello andy.
Post by Andrew G. Malis
I noticed that as well in the announcement. The proper place to discuss
fixes that, thanks for letting me know. it will be updated in the next
published version.

thanks and cheers,

erik wilde | mailto:***@dret.net |
| http://dret.net/netdret |
| http://twitter.com/dret |
Joel M. Halpern
2016-09-15 15:13:41 UTC
As the draft is probably about IETF process, not RFC Editor rules, I
would think that ***@ietf.org would be the venue for discussing the
draft, unless Jari thinks it needs a separate list (which I doubt).

Post by Andrew G. Malis
I noticed that as well in the announcement. The proper place to discuss
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Brian E Carpenter
Note to Readers
This draft should be discussed on the wgchairs mailing list [1].
Um, no. That's a closed list.
Heather Flanagan
2016-09-15 17:49:28 UTC
From the RFC Editor perspective, I’m hoping that this document will touch on more than just the IETF stream. Both the IAB and the Independent Submissions streams (but not the IRTF stream) contain Updates/Obsoletes. Not many, but they do exist and should be accounted for.


On September 15, 2016 at 9:11:40 AM, Joel M. Halpern (***@joelhalpern.com) wrote:

As the draft is probably about IETF process, not RFC Editor rules, I
would think that ***@ietf.org would be the venue for discussing the
draft, unless Jari thinks it needs a separate list (which I doubt).

Post by Andrew G. Malis
I noticed that as well in the announcement. The proper place to discuss
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Brian E Carpenter
Note to Readers
This draft should be discussed on the wgchairs mailing list [1].
Um, no. That's a closed list.
Heather Flanagan
RFC Series Editor
Joel M. Halpern
2016-09-15 17:56:58 UTC
I agree that it would be good if those streams paid attention to the
discussion. It would be particularly good if they made the same choices
about meaning.
But due to our history, it seems to me that the decision to do that is
up to each stream. And thus the IETF having the discussion is helpful.
I would hope that if the IAB or IRTF (or ISE) have observations about
the approaches, the IETF would pay attention to that.

From the RFC Editor perspective, I’m hoping that this document will
touch on more than just the IETF stream. Both the IAB and the
Independent Submissions streams (but not the IRTF stream) contain
Updates/Obsoletes. Not many, but they do exist and should be accounted for.
On September 15, 2016 at 9:11:40 AM, Joel M. Halpern
Post by Joel M. Halpern
As the draft is probably about IETF process, not RFC Editor rules, I
draft, unless Jari thinks it needs a separate list (which I doubt).
Post by Andrew G. Malis
I noticed that as well in the announcement. The proper place to discuss
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Brian E Carpenter
Note to Readers
This draft should be discussed on the wgchairs mailing list [1].
Um, no. That's a closed list.
Heather Flanagan
RFC Series Editor
Brian E Carpenter
2016-09-15 20:58:49 UTC
Everybody's correct, IMHO. We need to have a general explanation of
what "updates" (and "obsoletes", but that's simpler) means that will
apply to all RFCs, and we need specific guidance within the standards
track in particular.

Post by Joel M. Halpern
I agree that it would be good if those streams paid attention to the
discussion. It would be particularly good if they made the same choices
about meaning.
But due to our history, it seems to me that the decision to do that is
up to each stream. And thus the IETF having the discussion is helpful.
I would hope that if the IAB or IRTF (or ISE) have observations about
the approaches, the IETF would pay attention to that.
From the RFC Editor perspective, I’m hoping that this document will
touch on more than just the IETF stream. Both the IAB and the
Independent Submissions streams (but not the IRTF stream) contain
Updates/Obsoletes. Not many, but they do exist and should be accounted for.
On September 15, 2016 at 9:11:40 AM, Joel M. Halpern
Post by Joel M. Halpern
As the draft is probably about IETF process, not RFC Editor rules, I
draft, unless Jari thinks it needs a separate list (which I doubt).
Post by Andrew G. Malis
I noticed that as well in the announcement. The proper place to discuss
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Brian E Carpenter
Note to Readers
This draft should be discussed on the wgchairs mailing list [1].
Um, no. That's a closed list.
Heather Flanagan
RFC Series Editor
Bob Hinden
2016-09-15 22:02:54 UTC
Post by Brian E Carpenter
Everybody's correct, IMHO. We need to have a general explanation of
what "updates" (and "obsoletes", but that's simpler) means that will
apply to all RFCs, and we need specific guidance within the standards
track in particular.
I agree. However, it would be confusing if the streams adopted different definitions of what update and obsolete means.

Post by Brian E Carpenter
Post by Joel M. Halpern
I agree that it would be good if those streams paid attention to the
discussion. It would be particularly good if they made the same choices
about meaning.
But due to our history, it seems to me that the decision to do that is
up to each stream. And thus the IETF having the discussion is helpful.
I would hope that if the IAB or IRTF (or ISE) have observations about
the approaches, the IETF would pay attention to that.
Post by Heather Flanagan
From the RFC Editor perspective, I’m hoping that this document will
touch on more than just the IETF stream. Both the IAB and the
Independent Submissions streams (but not the IRTF stream) contain
Updates/Obsoletes. Not many, but they do exist and should be accounted for.
On September 15, 2016 at 9:11:40 AM, Joel M. Halpern
Post by Joel M. Halpern
As the draft is probably about IETF process, not RFC Editor rules, I
draft, unless Jari thinks it needs a separate list (which I doubt).
Post by Andrew G. Malis
I noticed that as well in the announcement. The proper place to discuss
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Brian E Carpenter
Note to Readers
This draft should be discussed on the wgchairs mailing list [1].
Um, no. That's a closed list.
Heather Flanagan
RFC Series Editor
Erik Wilde
2016-09-29 19:55:23 UTC
hello joel.
Post by Joel M. Halpern
As the draft is probably about IETF process, not RFC Editor rules, I
draft, unless Jari thinks it needs a separate list (which I doubt).
ok, thanks for the feedback, and i have changed the recommended
discussion list to be ***@ietf.org.

thanks again and kind regards,

erik wilde | mailto:***@dret.net |
| http://dret.net/netdret |
| http://twitter.com/dret |
Erik Wilde
2016-12-08 05:52:01 UTC
hello john.
Independent of where it is discussed (as
long as it is on a public list), this I-D would be, at least
IMO, a much more satisfactory basis for discussion if it
demonstrated more convincingly that the author was aware of
those earlier discussions and had considered them, rather than
assuming (or appearing to assume) that no one had thought about
these topics.
it was not my intention to ignore or belittle previous discussions. it
just occurred to me as a frequent reader of RFCs that there is a large
variation in quality how updates are documented. the idea was that some
simple documentation guidelines might help to improve that, without
necessarily being hard definitions on what exactly updates are, and how
exactly they have to be documented.

i'd be more than happy to include these earlier discussions, but i am
afraid if that involves going through a long list of mail archives, this
simply is beyond the time commitment i can reasonably make. i'd be more
than happy to have somebody co-authoring and filling in those gaps, but
that of course assumes that somebody else would be willing to put in the
effort of writing up this history.

thanks and cheers,

erik wilde | mailto:***@dret.net |
| http://dret.net/netdret |
| http://twitter.com/dret |
Scott O. Bradner
2016-12-11 21:23:14 UTC
see, for example, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-newtrk-repurposing-isd/

Scott (network WG chair)
Sorry for the delay in responding. Let me try a very high-level
summary of the implications of what I, at least, consider the
most important history of the problem you are trying to bite off
a piece of (others will have other histories). First, it isn't
easy. Even if one just ignores the various flavors of
Informational documents, the right documentation rules for
single-stage processes (e.g., BCPs) are inevitably different
from those for two (and previously three)-stage technical
standards track ones. That problem is further complicated by
the fact that we use BCPs, and occasionally technical standards,
for what are really procedural or policy statement documents.
Second, there is a complexity tradeoff. Today, for normative
documents, we have BCP documents and 2 1/2 levels of standards
track one (depending on what one thinks Experimental is).
The issues of updating and categories are also inevitably
complicated by the nearly-orthogonal one of interrelated and
interdependent documents, some developed at different times and
by different groups and often with non-obvious overlaps.
We tried to take all of this on some years ago in a WG called
"NEWTRK". It was not successful. In particular (and trying to
state this as neutrally as I can manage), the WG concluded that
we needed a new type of Standards Track document that would talk
about status and relationships among documents, rather than
being one or more technical specification itself. At least some
of what you seem to be proposing would go into those
standards-description documents and not the technical
specifications themselves. In addition, at least some of us
believe that the relevant documents would be living documents
with change histories rather than the inherently-static (at
least per-document) RFC series.
WIthout revisiting the argument and various opinions about
motivations, the IESG concluded that the idea was just too
complicated and/or inappropriate and the idea when nowhere. In
retrospect, they might have been right. Or not. Either way,
the experience left many of us reluctant to start nibbling at
the issues again unless there was a comprehensive plan that the
IETF was willing to sing off on.
However, I do believe that it is unrealistic to believe one can
take on inter-document relationships without at least reviewing
the issues that the NEWTRK WG examined and the options it
--On Wednesday, December 07, 2016 21:52 -0800 Erik Wilde
Post by Erik Wilde
hello john.
Independent of where it is discussed (as
long as it is on a public list), this I-D would be, at least
IMO, a much more satisfactory basis for discussion if it
demonstrated more convincingly that the author was aware of
those earlier discussions and had considered them, rather than
assuming (or appearing to assume) that no one had thought
about these topics.
it was not my intention to ignore or belittle previous
discussions. it just occurred to me as a frequent reader of
RFCs that there is a large variation in quality how updates
are documented. the idea was that some simple documentation
guidelines might help to improve that, without necessarily
being hard definitions on what exactly updates are, and how
exactly they have to be documented.
i'd be more than happy to include these earlier discussions,
but i am afraid if that involves going through a long list of
mail archives, this simply is beyond the time commitment i can
reasonably make. i'd be more than happy to have somebody
co-authoring and filling in those gaps, but that of course
assumes that somebody else would be willing to put in the
effort of writing up this history.
thanks and cheers,
Scott O. Bradner
2016-12-12 00:02:22 UTC
--On Sunday, December 11, 2016 16:23 -0500 "Scott O. Bradner"
Post by Scott O. Bradner
see, for example,
Yep. Like that. :-)
Post by Scott O. Bradner
Scott (network WG chair)
Typing too fast, are we? :-)
nope - Apple being too helpful (autocorrect)

Brian E Carpenter
2016-12-12 00:39:18 UTC
Post by Scott O. Bradner
see, for example, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-newtrk-repurposing-isd/
And while we're reviewing ancient history, let me say that the new IESG in 2005,
with me as the new Chair, did spend hours discussing that draft and failing to
reach a useful consensus. But not because we thought there was no problem. As I've
said more than once, there is a problem, for any protocol that is complicated enough
to need several interlocking RFCs to define it. As those various components require
updating, we grow a dependency tree. The "Updates" tag on the more recent RFCs is a
very coarse way of expressing the dependencies.

Requiring the updating RFC to be clear about why and how it is updating other RFCs
is IMHO a good idea. However, I don't think that a mandatory section in the updating
RFC is the right way to ensure this. It would just become a box-ticking exercise.

Post by Scott O. Bradner
Scott (network WG chair)
Sorry for the delay in responding. Let me try a very high-level
summary of the implications of what I, at least, consider the
most important history of the problem you are trying to bite off
a piece of (others will have other histories). First, it isn't
easy. Even if one just ignores the various flavors of
Informational documents, the right documentation rules for
single-stage processes (e.g., BCPs) are inevitably different
from those for two (and previously three)-stage technical
standards track ones. That problem is further complicated by
the fact that we use BCPs, and occasionally technical standards,
for what are really procedural or policy statement documents.
Second, there is a complexity tradeoff. Today, for normative
documents, we have BCP documents and 2 1/2 levels of standards
track one (depending on what one thinks Experimental is).
The issues of updating and categories are also inevitably
complicated by the nearly-orthogonal one of interrelated and
interdependent documents, some developed at different times and
by different groups and often with non-obvious overlaps.
We tried to take all of this on some years ago in a WG called
"NEWTRK". It was not successful. In particular (and trying to
state this as neutrally as I can manage), the WG concluded that
we needed a new type of Standards Track document that would talk
about status and relationships among documents, rather than
being one or more technical specification itself. At least some
of what you seem to be proposing would go into those
standards-description documents and not the technical
specifications themselves. In addition, at least some of us
believe that the relevant documents would be living documents
with change histories rather than the inherently-static (at
least per-document) RFC series.
WIthout revisiting the argument and various opinions about
motivations, the IESG concluded that the idea was just too
complicated and/or inappropriate and the idea when nowhere. In
retrospect, they might have been right. Or not. Either way,
the experience left many of us reluctant to start nibbling at
the issues again unless there was a comprehensive plan that the
IETF was willing to sing off on.
However, I do believe that it is unrealistic to believe one can
take on inter-document relationships without at least reviewing
the issues that the NEWTRK WG examined and the options it
--On Wednesday, December 07, 2016 21:52 -0800 Erik Wilde
Post by Erik Wilde
hello john.
Independent of where it is discussed (as
long as it is on a public list), this I-D would be, at least
IMO, a much more satisfactory basis for discussion if it
demonstrated more convincingly that the author was aware of
those earlier discussions and had considered them, rather than
assuming (or appearing to assume) that no one had thought
about these topics.
it was not my intention to ignore or belittle previous
discussions. it just occurred to me as a frequent reader of
RFCs that there is a large variation in quality how updates
are documented. the idea was that some simple documentation
guidelines might help to improve that, without necessarily
being hard definitions on what exactly updates are, and how
exactly they have to be documented.
i'd be more than happy to include these earlier discussions,
but i am afraid if that involves going through a long list of
mail archives, this simply is beyond the time commitment i can
reasonably make. i'd be more than happy to have somebody
co-authoring and filling in those gaps, but that of course
assumes that somebody else would be willing to put in the
effort of writing up this history.
thanks and cheers,
Alia Atlas
2016-12-12 00:48:14 UTC
On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 7:39 PM, Brian E Carpenter <
Post by Scott O. Bradner
Post by Scott O. Bradner
see, for example, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-newtrk-
And while we're reviewing ancient history, let me say that the new IESG in 2005,
with me as the new Chair, did spend hours discussing that draft and failing to
reach a useful consensus. But not because we thought there was no problem. As I've
said more than once, there is a problem, for any protocol that is complicated enough
to need several interlocking RFCs to define it. As those various components require
updating, we grow a dependency tree. The "Updates" tag on the more recent RFCs is a
very coarse way of expressing the dependencies.
Off-topic for the draft and updates questions, but in response....

A place where we could work on capturing the relationships of how various
RFCs and drafts
in a WG relate to each other and what the WG is focusing on is the IETF
WG's wiki. Done well,
one could have references to it from other sites (e.g. Wikipedia) to help
folks coming newly
to the IETF or trying to learn about the related protocols and how they
plug together.
With this information written down - even informally and with just the WG
chairs or AD reviewing it,
I think it would be useful.

I've been encouraging some of my WG Chairs to think about this and see if
they can find
volunteers to do one for their WG. Once it is written, I think that
updating it periodically wouldn't
be too challenging and having something that describes technology in
something other than
a difference architecture would be helpful. I've seen some enthusiasm
and agreement, but
no text so far.


Requiring the updating RFC to be clear about why and how it is updating
Post by Scott O. Bradner
other RFCs
is IMHO a good idea. However, I don't think that a mandatory section in the updating
RFC is the right way to ensure this. It would just become a box-ticking exercise.
Post by Scott O. Bradner
Scott (network WG chair)
Sorry for the delay in responding. Let me try a very high-level
summary of the implications of what I, at least, consider the
most important history of the problem you are trying to bite off
a piece of (others will have other histories). First, it isn't
easy. Even if one just ignores the various flavors of
Informational documents, the right documentation rules for
single-stage processes (e.g., BCPs) are inevitably different
from those for two (and previously three)-stage technical
standards track ones. That problem is further complicated by
the fact that we use BCPs, and occasionally technical standards,
for what are really procedural or policy statement documents.
Second, there is a complexity tradeoff. Today, for normative
documents, we have BCP documents and 2 1/2 levels of standards
track one (depending on what one thinks Experimental is).
The issues of updating and categories are also inevitably
complicated by the nearly-orthogonal one of interrelated and
interdependent documents, some developed at different times and
by different groups and often with non-obvious overlaps.
We tried to take all of this on some years ago in a WG called
"NEWTRK". It was not successful. In particular (and trying to
state this as neutrally as I can manage), the WG concluded that
we needed a new type of Standards Track document that would talk
about status and relationships among documents, rather than
being one or more technical specification itself. At least some
of what you seem to be proposing would go into those
standards-description documents and not the technical
specifications themselves. In addition, at least some of us
believe that the relevant documents would be living documents
with change histories rather than the inherently-static (at
least per-document) RFC series.
WIthout revisiting the argument and various opinions about
motivations, the IESG concluded that the idea was just too
complicated and/or inappropriate and the idea when nowhere. In
retrospect, they might have been right. Or not. Either way,
the experience left many of us reluctant to start nibbling at
the issues again unless there was a comprehensive plan that the
IETF was willing to sing off on.
However, I do believe that it is unrealistic to believe one can
take on inter-document relationships without at least reviewing
the issues that the NEWTRK WG examined and the options it
--On Wednesday, December 07, 2016 21:52 -0800 Erik Wilde
Post by Erik Wilde
hello john.
Independent of where it is discussed (as
long as it is on a public list), this I-D would be, at least
IMO, a much more satisfactory basis for discussion if it
demonstrated more convincingly that the author was aware of
those earlier discussions and had considered them, rather than
assuming (or appearing to assume) that no one had thought
about these topics.
it was not my intention to ignore or belittle previous
discussions. it just occurred to me as a frequent reader of
RFCs that there is a large variation in quality how updates
are documented. the idea was that some simple documentation
guidelines might help to improve that, without necessarily
being hard definitions on what exactly updates are, and how
exactly they have to be documented.
i'd be more than happy to include these earlier discussions,
but i am afraid if that involves going through a long list of
mail archives, this simply is beyond the time commitment i can
reasonably make. i'd be more than happy to have somebody
co-authoring and filling in those gaps, but that of course
assumes that somebody else would be willing to put in the
effort of writing up this history.
thanks and cheers,
Brian E Carpenter
2016-12-12 22:06:25 UTC
I should add, having now read the document in question, which is remarkably
The obsoleted "Instructions to RFC Authors" [2] in Section 12
describe what "Updates" and "Obsoletes" mean. These descriptions do
not appear in RFC 7322, and even if they did, they might still not
always be sufficient to understand the exact nature of the update.
{RFC7322 obsoleted 2223, and 7322 doesn't include Updates or Obsoletes,
then it seems we've painted ourselves into a corner :-)}
but, my substantive comment is that we should obsolete the term "Updates"
Generally speaking, using "Updates" often has one of two possible
motivations: One is a bug fix ....
The second motivation is that the updating RFC is a backwards
compatible extension, which means that strictly speaking, it does not
and instead use terms "Extends" and "Corrects".
I think this illustrates the dictum that "there is always a well-known
solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong."
[HL Mencken, 1917]. It's not that it wouldn't clarify the exact
status of certain RFCs - but it would hardly scratch the surface
of the underlying standards spaghetti.

IMHO, the problem tackled in
is too complex to be fixed by simple measures.

It's also worth looking at this (out of date) example:

Anybody up for newnewtrk?

I'm unclear if there is a new required section "Reasons for updating"?
-= IPv6 IoT consulting =-
John C Klensin
2016-12-13 03:47:29 UTC
--On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 11:06 +1300 Brian E Carpenter
Post by Brian E Carpenter
I think this illustrates the dictum that "there is always a
well-known solution to every human problem — neat,
plausible, and wrong." [HL Mencken, 1917]. It's not that it
wouldn't clarify the exact status of certain RFCs - but it
would hardly scratch the surface of the underlying standards
IMHO, the problem tackled in
04 is too complex to be fixed by simple measures.
Anybody up for newnewtrk?
Alternate proposal: IIR, the IESG never did a write up or
initiated a Last Call on that proposal despite a request from
the WG to do so. They simply announced that they were not
going to consider it, an action that is dubious under RFC 2026
but not prohibited. Some of us who were active in Newtrk
assumed that, if there was a Last Call and fairly clear
community consensus, the IESG would be in an intolerable
position if they decided to advance the document, but that is
just speculation.

As co-author of
I'd be happy to find time to update references and boilerplate
and reissue it if the community wants to take it up and the IESG
is willing to given it serious consideration, either on the
basis of the Newtrk recommendations or through some restarted

Where I think I agree with Brian is that this is a complicated
issue and that a new rule or required paragraph will make things
even more complicated without improving things.

Scott O. Bradner
2016-12-13 10:45:06 UTC
John’s description of how things looked to the working group is consistent with
my view as chair of the working group

it was a very frustrating experience

Post by John C Klensin
--On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 11:06 +1300 Brian E Carpenter
Post by Brian E Carpenter
I think this illustrates the dictum that "there is always a
well-known solution to every human problem — neat,
plausible, and wrong." [HL Mencken, 1917]. It's not that it
wouldn't clarify the exact status of certain RFCs - but it
would hardly scratch the surface of the underlying standards
IMHO, the problem tackled in
04 is too complex to be fixed by simple measures.
Anybody up for newnewtrk?
Alternate proposal: IIR, the IESG never did a write up or
initiated a Last Call on that proposal despite a request from
the WG to do so. They simply announced that they were not
going to consider it, an action that is dubious under RFC 2026
but not prohibited. Some of us who were active in Newtrk
assumed that, if there was a Last Call and fairly clear
community consensus, the IESG would be in an intolerable
position if they decided to advance the document, but that is
just speculation.
As co-author of
I'd be happy to find time to update references and boilerplate
and reissue it if the community wants to take it up and the IESG
is willing to given it serious consideration, either on the
basis of the Newtrk recommendations or through some restarted
Where I think I agree with Brian is that this is a complicated
issue and that a new rule or required paragraph will make things
even more complicated without improving things.
Brian E Carpenter
2016-09-21 02:09:50 UTC

First two general comments:

1. I do think we need to clarify this topic. However, I want to
repeat my earlier comment: IMHO the *generic* explanation of
what "Updates:" means should come from the RFC Editor. It can
be quite short, and there should be some community discussion.

So I will treat this draft as describing how the IETF stream
interprets "Updates:", within that generic explanation, and the
other RFC streams are free to make their own interpretations
(or adopt this one, if they want).

2. John Klensin, at
referred to earlier discussions, including in NEWTRK. Indeed we have
some unfinished business - how on earth is a consumer of RFCs supposed
to know which bits of which RFCs she needs to implement, and which bits
*not* to implement, to produce interoperable code? If A claims to
be the standard, but B updates it, while C obsoletes A without mentioning
B, etc. etc., what is a poor programmer to do?

If you don't appreciate the complexity of this question, here are
two illustrations, one of which is close to home for the IETF itself:
They are both out of date, of course.

I suggest that this complicated question still needs to be answered,
but this draft is not the place to do it.
RFC authors that use "Updates" in their document should include
individual "Reasons for updating ..." sections for each updated RFC.
These sections should be placed relatively early in the document. In
each of these sections, there should be a short description of the
nature of the update.
IMHO this is too bureaucratic and will make the result noisy and awkward
to read. I believe it is reasonable to require that the changes are easy
to find, but that doesn't require separate sections. For example, in
which updates RFC 4861, searching for the text string 4861 will do the
trick, and you will see the changes in context.

So I would advocate something more like:

RFC authors that use "Updates" in their document should ensure that
the specific updates are easy to identify, preferably by citing the
specific section of the updated RFC in the updating text. A general
rationale for the updates should be prominent in the document's

(Then the word "sections" in the following two paragraphs could
be changed to "updating text".)

An organizational comment: The three paragraphs starting with
"Generally speaking,..." would be much better moved to the beginning
of section 3, since they motivate what follows.
The second motivation is that the updating RFC is a backwards
compatible extension, which means that strictly speaking, it does not
even need to mention the updated RFC.
I disagree. If I maintain the code for foobar, I'd really like to
receive a ping when the RFC extending it to foobar+ comes out. So unless
we introduce a new metadatum "Extends:", I think that we really should
use "Updates:" for extensions. At the minimum, I need to check that
incoming foobar+ extensions won't break anything.

You might want to review RFC6709, in which the IAB uttered:
" 1. Modifications or extensions to the underlying protocol. An
extension document should be considered to update the underlying
protocol specification if an implementation of the underlying
protocol would need to be updated to accommodate the extension.
This should not be necessary if the underlying protocol was
designed with a modular interface."

By the way, a can of worms that you don't mention is updates by other
SDOs. There's a BCP for that: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4775

Brian Carpenter
Jari Arkko
2016-09-22 08:24:19 UTC
FWIW, ***@ietf.org is probably a good place to discuss the general topic of Updates: and its semantics. I realise that there’s a distinction between what the RFC format and IETF stream semantics are. But frankly, I can’t get excited about that, and in either case… this is a topic that the community needs to discuss if we are going to define better semantics.

My personal opinion is roughly where Brian’s comments were.

I’ll add that there’s plenty of variation of thought for the semantics of Updates, both in terms of what different people think and what has been done over time for different RFCs. The semantics have been vague, and even if we institute a new agreed policy, it doesn't change past RFCs. Going forward, in general, I’m in favour of explaining, explicitly, in the RFC what it means. Why are we updating, obsoleting or extending something previously defined? What are the changes? What are the impacts if you do this or don’t do this?
